Adopt A School campaign is a special initiative under Project S.T.A.R (School Transformation by Augmenting Resources) wherein anyone can ‘adopt’ a school and help it improve in whichever way possible for them. This campaign aims to take everyone onboard to improve the present status of education infrastructure in the district. The idea is to make it a mass movement and put education as the first priority for community participation.
There are a lot of people who wish to contribute to improve the education scenario of their state but they do not know the avenues through which they can do the same. There are a lot of alumni who would like to give back to their school or to other schools of their locality or district or their state and they also most often do not get the right avenues to do that. This portal is envisioned as a bridge between the willing contributor and the requiring school. You can adopt any school of your liking which requires help.
Meghalaya has nearly 14,600 schools out of which almost about 12,000 are Government or Government-aided schools. For a small state like Meghalaya, this number is huge. There are several infrastructural challenges in these schools and to swiftly overhaul the picture, support from all possible hands is needed.
Adopting a School does not only mean that one has to renovate the building or make some infrastructural improvement only. There are many ways and means in which one can help. Some of them are listed below for your information